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Market Stuff

Hello everyone! I want to apologize for not blogging sooner, but in between all the work that needs to be done and Perry hogging the computer, I haven't had time to write!

As you all know, glorious Wedding Season is in full swing! All the brides and grooms have been great to work with and are very generous with their pets-on-the-head. Luckily the weather has mostly cooperated -- I think I scared it into place with all my barking! I'm such a good dog!

Now it's time to gear up for Market Season, which is my second favorite time of year. Ali and another lady who works in the Market named Amy have been cleaning the red barn to get it ready for all the apples! They've been "power washing" which is terrifying, so I stay in the house during those times. "Power washing" involves loud noises and lots of water, neither of which I am very fond of. Also, the smell is different now. It smells like how I smell when Lisa takes me to get a bath -- it's terrible! So I apologize in advance if it still smells that way in a few months when the Market opens! I've been rolling around in there as much as I can to get rid of it -- you're welcome!

As much as the smell grosses me out and the "power washer" scares me, I have to admit that the red barn looks a lot better than it did! There's still a lot to be done including new windows, a porch for me to lay on, and a little museum showcasing some of our old farming equipment from the early 1900s! This is going to be the best Market Season yet! Come see me in July when it opens -- I'll be the cute dog in charge!


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5618 South 200 East
Lafayette, IN


Seasonal Hours

Thursday 10AM-6PM

Friday  10AM - 6PM

Saturday  10AM - 6PM

Sunday  12PM - 6PM

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